Bitter Seeds – Sustainability Film Series
The first film in RPI’s Spring 2013 Sustainability Film Series is
Sunday, February 24, 2013, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM, DCC 318
Bitter Seeds documents the epidemic of suicides amongst India’s cotton farmers, deeply in debt after switching to genetically modified seeds.
Sociologist Abby Kinchy, author of Seeds, Science, and Struggle The Global Politics of Transgenic Crops, will take questions and lead discussion following the film.
Films are free and open to the public. Free parking along 15th Street. Auditorium is in Building 17 on this map: http://rpi.edu/tour/zoomify/index.html.
Contact: Professor Kim Fortun, fortuk@rpi.edu
The Sustainability Film Series is hosted by the Department of Science and Technology Studies, School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. Series co-sponsors: First Year Studies, Vasudha Living and Learning Community, Department of Arts, Engineers for a Sustainable World, Engineers Without Borders, Terra Café, Ecologic, and Student Sustainability Task Force. Funds from the Vollmer Fries Endowment, New York State Council of the Arts.